Hello almightydog.
I have just read up your earlier thread. You have indeed spoken to your family about your feelings, so they could turn you in and try and get you DFd. But I wonder if they will really do that?
Why not try telling the CO etc, that you are shocked by what you have seen in the elders meetings ( and believe me, your congregation is by no means an exception),
and that you need time to think, and that you will do that in your own time.
Stick to that story, and dont repeat any of your feelings about the org. If you dont repeat anything, then its only your family who are witnesses, and I wonder if they would really testify against you.( do they want you back or do they want you out?).
Then fade, slowly but surely. Sure, they will try and reactivate you. You know how that works.
I dont think they can DF you for responding to various questions with:
"I'm so disillusioned by what i've seen " or
"Certain actions have really shocked me"
as long as you refuse to give more details than that.
Its a way of blaming them. I'm fading because of what YOU'VE done.
Its a long road, but might help keep close to you're family.
Good luck A.D.